Nov 29th, 2019

Feature Article

Putting It All Together.

Written by: David Stevens, Director of Business Development

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Flexibility, Rigor, and Adaptability.

For the past 27 years, Clientek has been dedicated to solving our customer’s most complex business problems. With clientele spanning a multitude of industries, our adherence to these three principals has allowed us to provide superior, repeatable results to all our clients.

The way we see it, flexibility, rigor, and adaptability only pay dividends when practiced together. Like cogs in a watch, for one to provide value, the others must also be in place.

Today’s business world is in a state of constant change. This volatile and uncertain environment plays directly to Clientek’s strengths. We assist our clients in identifying the necessities of change and provide them with an avenue to capitalize on it.

For one of our clients, a global pest exterminator, we’ve developed numerous tools that provide important optimization of their field force. Through the development of a custom mobile application, we’ve been able to maximize the utilization of their deployed resources while making the lives of field representatives significantly easier.

The systems tie seamlessly to their back-end inventory management systems to provide real-time inventory counts. This has greatly increased the accuracy of their forecasting and allowed underutilized internal resources to be allocated elsewhere.

The application needed to be highly adaptable, being rolled out to more than 50 different countries over several years. Each country presents its own unique requirements and challenges. A rigorous yet flexible approach is essential.

Our experience in the face of change is just part of what makes us a great technology partner.

Whatever it takes, we are here to propel your business forward.

Looking for more insight? Use the button below to contact us.