Nov 25th, 2020

Business Insights

Leap of Faith

Written by: David Stevens, Director of Business Development

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At Clientek, we pride ourselves on our ability to enable project teams. For nearly three decades, we have dedicated countless hours to fine tuning our free-standing, self-operating, success-focused teams; committed to delivering consistent value. Throughout that time, we have found that you cannot facilitate true enablement unless you have trust. Put your faith in your teams and let them go.

One of the hardest struggles we watch as our employees grow is learning that giving up control will ultimately produce better results. Most of us moved up through the ranks, gaining more and more responsibility as we advanced. That responsibility was largely given because we got things done, effectively and accurately. Now, as we begin to mentor others and help them grow, we must let some things go and enable others to take the reins. We must come to understand that they may do things differently than we may do them, and that’s okay. They may stumble and falter, but our job is not to berate and take the task back but rather show them how to accomplish it and move forward.

There are three main pillars of trust required to take that leap of faith and accomplish true enablement.

  1. Trust Your People – You can spend days, weeks, and even months conducting interviews when looking to add a new member to your team(s). When does all that hard work and effort pay off? Well, it’s not on their first day, or even their first project; it’s when you come to realize that you hired the right person for the job. When you have trust in your team to do right by your customer and you can step away from the engagement and enable them to manage their own success.

  2. Trust Your Process – There is a reason for the way you do things. Keep it that way. Successful business leadership uses process to manage the ever-changing nature of the world we live in. Processes are designed to be tested. Making sudden alterations or changes to process can have adverse effects on your team. Take note of when difficulties arise but trust the tried-and-true processes that got you to where you are today.

  3. Trust Your Results – You did it. Stand by it. If you truly trust your team(s) and your process, then you must trust your results. The blood, sweat, and tears that go into completing every project are building blocks for a stance of confidence. You followed your approach, you accomplished your goals, you delivered true value. Trust it.

Through building an environment in which we can support these pillars of trust, we have seen our teams achieve unparalleled success. Enablement isn’t out of reach; it’s just waiting to be set free.