Sep 24th, 2020

Feature Article


Written by: David Stevens, Director of Business Development

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“Differentiation is never more important than it is in times of trouble.” – Jack Welch

Like any other business, Clientek has consistently looked for ways to differentiate ourselves from our competition. Over the past 28-years we have adapted our structures, processes, and even offerings on more than one occasion. We embrace the change, look for ways to harness it, and execute – delivering even greater value to customers and clients.

Technology has unearthed a plethora of innovations for businesses. It’s how you adapt and utilize those innovations that defines how you stand out. The same technologies that drive disruption across industries can be used as a tool to set you apart.

Recently, one of our clients presented us with a unique situation. This mid-sized manufacturer sells directly to their consumers and has done so since their founding over a century ago. Throughout their history they have primarily sold through the use of a roving sales force – knocking on doors and writing deals.

Many of their previous market differentiators had been adopted by competition over the course of the last century and having been in business so long, it had become difficult to identify new areas of opportunity.

The client had recently developed and deployed a new mobile application for their sales team and were interested in exploring the greater capabilities of their mobile devices. Their application solution not only minimized paperwork, it also allowed salespeople to provide significantly more accurate timeline estimates to customers. With the on-board camera and large touch screen, their tablets represented a perfect opportunity for an augmented reality (AR) proof-of-concept (POC).

Over the course of about a month, the Clientek team helped develop a custom AR application capable of running across their fleet of devices. The software allowed salespeople to use their device to show how their product(s) would truly look in the customers home – something no organization in the space had done before.

Whether you’re exploring new and innovative sales tactics or looking to boost customer experience, differentiation is a key component when fighting for the customer’s attention.

Stand up stand out.

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