Aug 25th, 2020


Is Now the Time to Invest?

Written by: Jesse LaDousa, Chief Operating Officer

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Now is an unprecedented time for our country, our culture, and our economy. As the world learns to navigate this new normal of fully remote workforces and video-based interactions with our customers, employees, and families; there is uncertainty surrounding how long it will last. Segments of our economy have sputtered and stalled, others have thrived and continued to expand at rates unrivaled by years past. As social unrest and a looming presidential election inundate our lives and media feeds, we all know that our world has changed and some of those changes will be permanent.

We know from numerous challenging historical events that we will come out of this, likely stronger and with more resolve. Business models will shift, new lines of service will be needed, and opportunities will present themselves to help make our companies better and more efficient.

Knowing this, is now the best time to invest in innovation?

Any investment during uncertain times can be frightening but investing in innovation while you’re down can often position your company to be at the forefront of recovery. Creating new offerings, better process automation, more efficient work forces, and a lower cost of delivery will become a market differentiator when our economy recovers. Soon all the pent-up demand of 2020 will be unleashed.

The current situation is presenting many challenges for those here in the US and around the world, but it is also presenting new opportunities every day. While great companies always innovate, the following questions are relevant to the time at hand. Throughout 2020, we’ve talked to many of our customers about these challenges, most of which did not exist on their road maps at this time last year:

  • How do we continue high levels of collaboration while all at home?
  • How do we optimize our business processes to automate what once required a human to be on-site in our factory?
  • How do we eliminate person-to-person contact but still maintain appropriate levels of security and compliance?
  • How do we reduce infrastructure cost by leveraging the cloud resources available to us today?

We’ve spent the bulk of this year helping our customers make these types of investments. Our customers are smart, savvy, and know that an investment now means out-positioning their competitors in the near future. We help them with objective mapping, solution options analysis, decision making, architecture and road mapping, proof of concept work, and quick time-to-market implementations. We’d love to talk to you about your innovation strategy and how Clientek can bring our experience and resources to help you out-position your competition in the near future.

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