Feb 24th, 2022

Feature Article


Written by: David Stevens, Director of Business Development

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It’s personal.

If you spend any time scrolling through business publications, you’ll have seen the countless articles written about motivation. While the content of these articles is authentic, most of them fail to communicate the true individualistic nature of motivation.

Motivations are unique to every individual. Our focus as leaders should not be on assigning motivation to others, but rather creating an environment in which individual motivations are developed and supported.

There are two types of motivators, extrinsic and intrinsic. For many organizations extrinsic motivation has become synonymous with incentivization – giving people a reason to do something beyond personal satisfaction. These motivators can come in the form of a bonus or award and can be highly effective when implemented in the right environment. While incentives have proven valuable in many scenarios, they are only a small part of the whole picture. It can be easy to forget about the other motivators that are more difficult to cater to and support.

Intrinsic motivators, on the other hand, are driving forces developed within ourselves. They are focused on a person’s fulfillment – like a passion for a specific product or the desire to improve. These motivators are both powerful and long lasting but are difficult to instill in someone else.

This leaves leaders in a bit of a pickle. For both types of motivators to be successful, we must take individual values into account. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to motivation.

It is our privilege to get to know and learn about our employees. Having open and honest conversations around what motivates them is crucial for ongoing success and satisfaction. After all, motivations are like opinions; they are different for everyone, and you will never know until you ask.

What motivates you?

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