Jan 27th, 2022

Feature Article

Decisions, Decisions

Written by: David Stevens, Director of Business Development

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The unmasterable science.

Every day, we spend an astonishing amount of time and energy making decisions between seemingly identical alternatives – everything from getting dressed in the morning to selecting a route for our walk with the dog. While these examples are banal to say the least, they still require our precious time, and attention; so, what about the bigger, more important decisions? Should there be a direct correlation between how long we spend contemplating a decision and its associated risks/importance? My conjecture, no. Not really.

When we are faced with a decision, there are multiple options that have been brought to the table. If the scenario has been reasonably evaluated, the choices are equally desirable, and there is still no obvious answer, then all that is left to do is make the decision.

While it can prove helpful to try and make the decision smaller so you can review initial results; like trying on a shirt in the mirror or having a taste of someone else’s meal. Sometimes breaking it down just isn’t an option. In that case, your best bet is to simply move forward and make the decision. The time you save avoiding pointless deliberation will assuredly provide dividends elsewhere.

Some of you may disagree with me, noting that if I spend more time evaluating each option, the correct answer will eventually emerge. Sure, possibly. But, at that point we’ve wasted precious time on a wild goose chase for clarity and have only set a precedent for future counter-productive decision making.

I’m not suggesting that you make decisions hastily or without proper vetting, but rather that you pay closer attention to the value disparity over time. Once you have enough information to make an educated choice, do it. If you make a wrong decision, you’ll already be two steps closer to correcting it.

I offer this challenge: take out a piece of paper and a pen (or open the Notes app on your phone) and make a list of decisions you’ve been avoiding recently. Give yourself 30 seconds per decision and one by one make the best choice you can in that moment. Making a decision — any decision — reduces anxiety and allows you to start move forward. Afterall, the best remedy for feeling overwhelmed is progress.

The time to decide is now.

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